Duration: Three weeks
Fraud is a threat to any organization’s integrity. It may take the form of petty pilfering or it may involve huge sums. Activities performed by perpetrators of fraud such as unethical and dishonest staff/citizens, opportunists, hackers, impact on organizational efficiency and reputation. In addition, the impact on morale can often be greater than the direct financial loss of the fraud incident in itself. The proceeds of fraudulent activities are sometimes repatriated to foreign countries hence great Impact on the country’s economic activities. This programme introduces a range of techniques which can help to combat fraud – though a difficult lesson is that the risk can never be completely removed. These techniques include the introduction of higher quality vigilance systems, more rigorous investigation processes, strategies to increase the prospect of successful fraud prosecutions, and measures to combat money laundering and seek repatriation of stolen funds.
- Assess the extent of fraud risk and understand the growing threat from the Internet an identity fraud and identify methods to combat them
- Develop proactive techniques to deter and detect fraud and decide whether to launch a fraud prosecution.
- Recognize the different approaches for internal and external fraud, and understand the social and psychological aspects
• A process model to improve professional standards – already adopted by several nation states
• Techniques and principles used by successful fraud investigators
• The key elements of fraud legislation and investigation
• The risks and challenges presented by computer-based fraud
• International experience in tackling payroll abuses
• The role of audit offices and forensic accountants
• Corporate vigilance strategies and proactive deterrence techniques
• Complaints handling
• Civil remedies
• Strategies to increase the likelihood of successful prosecutions
• How to detect and prevent money laundering
• Methods of detecting fraudulent transactions in large accounting systems
• Social and psychological approaches to finding potential fraudsters in an organization
• How to repatriate financial assets