
Duration: Two weeks

The evolution of the procurement process has led to increasing demands on the professionalism of procurement audit practitioners. Procurement of goods and services is major component of any national budget and, therefore, maintaining transparency, accountability and fairness in the procurement process is imperative.

This comprehensive programme will improve your knowledge of procurement regulatory frameworks, risks on all aspects of the procurement cycle, and contract supervision. You will develop your practical skills in the audit process from planning to execution and reporting and monitoring recommendation


• Determine the legal and regulatory requirements for the audit,

• Carry out an analysis of the organization to be audited, including determining the scope for malpractice in each element of the procurement cycle and a staff assessment

• Explore possible alternatives to procurement such as outsourcing

• Legal regulatory frameworks governing the audit

• The procurement cycle and procurement malpractice

• Principles of risk management

• Organisational analysis – how procurement is conducted

• Auditing commercial aspect of outsourcing contracts

• The procurement function, strategies and policies

• Ethical sourcing and environmental awareness

• Analysis and investigation, including what to do if you uncover malpractice

• How to communicate the audit report

• Planning the follow-up