
Duration: Two weeks

Best practice in internal audit has moved forward considerably in the last 20 years. Previous approaches which cantered on auditing transactions have been replaced with systems audit and a risk-based approach designed to ensure that an organization has appropriate controls in place to avoid waste, rather than identifying it post-event. Most importantly, the role of the Head of Internal Audit is changing, to become much more central in providing an annual review of both corporate governance and the financial control environment.

New approaches to management, and computerized and automated processes including the electronic transfer of funds, have increased the challenges for the internal auditor. At the same time, internal audit is increasingly involved in the wider agendas of value for money and Corporate Governance.

This programme looks at the key elements facing internal audit as it is practiced today, with analysis of organisational risks, including those posed by the introduction of information technology.

You will develop a range of audit management skills and prepare robust audit reports that contain strong, well-evidenced conclusions and recommendations for improving effective management of internal controls.



• Evaluate  the  risks  faced  by,  and  occurring within, your organization

• Identify waste and inefficiencies; and advise management on strategies for improving economy, efficiency and effectiveness of organisational activities

• Develop and implement an efficient and effective audit


• International internal audit guideline standards


• Risk-based audit plans

• Risk management

• Computer-based  audit  and  the  use  of  the computer as an audit tool

• Investigation of fraud and corruption

• Introduction to value-for-money audit

• Audit management

• Audit  reporting,  communication  and  quality control

• The importance of corporate governance and the role of the audit committee

• The emerging role of scrutiny and the role of

the Public Accounts Committee

• The importancPeaocfktwheayreTlartaioinnsihnipg bPertowgeeranmmes

internal and external audit