
Duration: Two weeks

How do you recognize poor ethics, lack of accountability or corruption when those responsible are doing everything possible to conceal their acts from you and your organization? Your  job  and your  organization’s  credibility  may  be  at  stake if malfeasance or malpractice is exposed. This programme will help you to identify risks and will suggest toolkits, solutions and implementation plans to minimize that risk. If you are involved in ethics or accountability in public financial management, good governance, public  procurement reform or combating corruption, this two week programme will provide the accumulation of knowledge, skills and practical solutions. A key element of this programme will be the exploration of the challenges posed by cultural differences and political pressures in relation to ethical behaviour and appropriate accountability.


•Devise policies and strategies to help develop integrity and trust in government public’s services and businesses

•Develop  an  anti-corruption  strategy,  identify corruption hotspots and engage with stakeholders to establish prevention methods

•Be aware of financial crime and fraud and consider its impact on wider international issues


•The pillars of integrity and definitions of ethics, accountability and corruption
•The use of integrity development toolkits
•The benefits of codes of conduct
•Definitions and case studies relating to conflict of interest, gifts and gratuities
•Disclosure policies, including whistle-blowing
•Management accountability
•How to measure corruption
•Anti-corruption strategies
•The myths about procurement and where it can go wrong
•The use of strategic alliances
•Accountability in working with community groups, youth and the private sector
•Overview of financial crime and international issues
•Recognize important financial  accounting topics and how to report them on financial statements.